The Power of Purpose: Identifying the Problems You Were Born to Solve

The Beauty of Our Unique Lived Experiences
In this wondrous world, we inhabit, one of the most beautiful aspects is that every person we encounter knows something we don't. Our unique lived experiences are interwoven with systems, artifacts, and fellow companions, creating a rich tapestry of life. From the bustling metropolises teeming with life to the tranquil rural villages, each individual contributes to their community, whether they realize it or not. In many ways, our blind faith in these systems orchestrates the organized chaos we engage in to achieve simple goals, like grabbing a bite to eat or finding a sense of belonging.

Naturally, within this vibrant web of interactions, problems arise. But it is these very problems that give rise to the varied soft and hard skills that keep our world functioning. So, where do you fit into this landscape of specialties? How do you find the resources to explore the myriad paths available to you? And how do you secure a living wage that frees you from the shackles of survival mode?

Navigating the Conundrum of Diverse Skills in Today's World

In today's world, having a diverse range of skills in a particular field can be both a blessing and a curse. The key to navigating this conundrum is to identify the problems you wish to solve in your life and pursue the skills and paths that align with your passions. There is a particular magic that comes alive when your passions and interests intertwine, creating a goldilocks zone where learning, failing, and reflecting are built upon a foundation you're certain of.

All of us have experienced aimlessness, perhaps during our high school or university years. This often manifests as major changes or choosing a career path based solely on the promise of financial security after graduation. While there is no "right" or "wrong" way to live our lives, we have the opportunity to lay a solid foundation for future generations by helping them understand the array of problems we face and guiding them toward personal development and career paths that align with their interests.

Connecting the Dots: Aligning Your Passion with Relevant Fields

Think back to that incredible teacher you had in middle school. Mine was an avid activist for financial literacy in the black community and channeled that passion through the field of education, enriching the lives of countless children. At some point in our lives, we must make a decision that defines who we are as human beings. Ask yourself this: what is the problem I wish to solve in my lifetime? Trust your instincts, let your mind wander, and list these problems so you can visualize them. Once you have that list, start connecting the dots between these problems and the relevant fields.

For example, if you wish to tackle the maternal health crisis, healthcare would be the related field. If you're interested in solving food deserts and ensuring equitable access to fresh food, you might explore fields like transportation, education, law, or nonprofit work. Cultivate the habit of following your curiosity and researching different problems, as this will illuminate various fields, careers, and skill sets you can pursue.

The world is full of gatekept fields, but with the wealth of tools available online, including this publication, you can inch closer to finding a career that sets your soul ablaze. Focus on the problem you wish to solve rather than specific skills, and you'll future-proof your work and quickly identify the right tools, skills, and jargon.

The Power of Interpersonal Skills and Kindness in Building Connections

So, what happens when you have the skills but lack experience in projects? Turn to your local governments and libraries. You might be surprised by the wealth of free accredited courses, mentors, and contract and full-time roles available within local institutions or their partnering nonprofits and businesses. Networking is also vital—attend events both locally and virtually, use platforms like MeetUp, and don't overlook the power of your local library as a knowledge hub and networking hotspot.

Once you've secured meetings or coffee chats, remember the importance of interpersonal skills and kindness. Be genuinely interested in others, as they will always have something valuable to share. Take delight in asking questions that bring to light someone else's unique story. People love to talk about themselves, and it is a privilege to hear about their lived experiences. As a rule of thumb, ensure that the other person speaks about 80% of the time. This is a good indicator that they were engaged and enjoyed the conversation.

It's important to recognize that you won't become best friends with everyone you meet, and that's perfectly okay! Encountering people who are vastly different from us only solidifies the fact that we all thrive in unique ways. What's crucial is that you authentically showcase who you are and build connections based on shared passions rather than mere utility. The power of a free-flowing conversation can be the difference between securing a referral for your next gig or being swiftly blocked on all social media platforms.

If you've identified the problems you want to solve in your lifetime, examine the field and study who is doing what, how they are doing it, and what works and what doesn't. By doing so, you'll discover groups to join across social platforms like Reddit, LinkedIn, Discord, Mastodon, Nextdoor, and Clubhouse, and find more people to have coffee chats with.

How we choose to spend our time is more important now than ever before. Intentionality must be woven into the systems, artifacts, and relationships we rely on to live our lives. Consider this exercise a social responsibility that holds you accountable to your dreams. We often fantasize about our desired future, but now we must unearth the present opportunities and piece together an equitable vision for those who wish to make an impact on the world, whether on a grand or intimate scale.


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